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Health Conditions 30 Tips


1- Interstitial cystitis-MSM 2 grams Bid [some escalate to 12 grams divided TID]

2-CTS / Carpal tunnel syndrome - use 5-p-50 /Activated B6 - taking B complex as well helps to ensure that the whole B family is on the case.

3-Acne - omega 3 ALA, Zinc +/- vitamin A, Avoid Omega 6 oils like corn,canola,peanut oil. See Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio. Take Flax seed oil - either capsule or liquid - goal for most is 7 grams of ALA an Omega 3 oil found in Flax oil.

4-Macular degeneration - Taurine helps prevent worsening/advancement. B vitamins are also important as well as the Carotenoids which are yellow, orange, and red pigments synthesized by plants. The most common carotenoids in North American diets are α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene

5-HS - aka Hidradenitis suppurativa

Optimizing Vitamins D, C and the omega 3 balance give amazing results in 3-4 weeks in many. A Low Omega 6 to 3 Ratio reduces inflammation.

6-Dry Eyes - Vitamin A and Butter. Fish or krill oil. Again, natural fats are best

7- Recurrent OM [Earaches] use Flax seed oil/use Butter - Stop margarine and reduce Omega6 oils while increasing Omega 3 oils.

8-BPH/Prostatitis - Zinc AA chelate, Selenium and Omega 3 oils like Fish oil and Flax seed oil

9-Onychomycosis [Fungal toenails] Vitamin D

Levels need be 60+

10- GERD - NaCl, B1, BETAINE HCl, DGL, Apple cider vinegar, Avoid PPI, if possible.

11- Allergy/h/o Anaphylaxis-

Vitamin C 30mg/kg/day, divided doses 3-4 per day at baseline [can take to bowel tolerance aka diarrhea] Adrenal glands need vitamin C to make hormones including epinephrine.

12-Eczema - Flax seed oil and butter, avoid omega6 oils aka seed oils. Avoid trans fat. Vitamin D. Low Omega 6 to Omega 3 oil ratio.

13-Psoriasis- Vit D, Selenium, flax seed oil, Butter, Avoid Omega 6 oils aka corn/peanut oil.

14-Flu - Vitamin D Hammer pubmed Vit D3 50,000iu day 1

15-“Familial”low blood pressure - B12 5,000mcg daily x 3 weeks will raise BP to normal levels. Stay on daily B12, check B12/Folate . Sugar depletes B vitamins in liver.

16- Angioedema - 3 risk factors - vitamin D deficiency, ACE/ARBs [blood pressure meds] and African American status.

Everyone needs vit D level 60–100. Completely avoidable IMO. I recommend that Vit D should be evaluated in anyone prescribed an ACE-or- ARB blood pressure medication and should be educated about the risk of Angioedema. Minimum 5,000iu D3 Daily. With vitamin D level follow up in 3 months. Some people need higher doses to achieve therapeutic levels. If patient’s scalp sweats out of proportion to the body their 25 hydroxy Vit D level less than 10.

17- Restless leg syndrome - Folate in various forms with Methyl-folate is most effective. Iron deficiency/ even mild can be associated with RLS. Iron is required for us to make our own Melatonin.

18- Leg cramps - calcium/magnesium and potassium - also vitamin D, vitamin B6 deficiency [B6 needed for magnesium metabolism] and B2 [needed for activation of B6]

19-Asthma - magnesium , calcium, B6,B2 and increasing omega 3 oils while reducing Omega 6 oils.[corn, peanut, canola oils plus a dozen others]

20- ADD/ADHD - reduce sugar intake. Acetyl-l-tyrosine capsules promotes epinephrine and dopamine in brain. Titrate slowly.

21- Depression- Reduce sugar - increase B vitamins - B complex in particular B9- many people benefit from Activared B vitamins[B1,B6,B9,B12] and add 5HTP [5-hydroxy- tryptophan] to support serotonin production and to improve sleep.

22- Anxiety - increase calcium, magnesium while reducing phosphorus sources [especially phosphoric acid containing colas with their 2.7 pH, insanity]. Add glutamine powder which bolsters GABA production [nature’s Valium]

23-Memory/mood issues - Choline and Inositol are important for mood as well as liver health. Choline in eggs, organ meat and less in plants. Myelin sheaths and cell membranes depend on choline as does acetylcholine production for the brain and all nerves.

24- Muscle Growth - branched chain amino acids [valine, Leucine and isoleucine] protect muscle stores. Leucine promotes mTor production which stimulates muscle growth. HMB is derived from leucine and it promotes mitochondrial biogenesis aka new mitochondria - very interesting. Glutamine also protects muscle.

25- Importance of Selenium- it is needed for mitochondrial function, thyroid function, brain function [to avoid dementia], Pancreas function [pancreatitis], Cancer prevention [Vit E, beta-carotene and selenium reduce cancer risks in 2-5 years]

26-COPD patients improve with Vitamin D [reduces pneumonia risk and flu/covid severity], NAC improves lung function, vitamin C improves lung tissue/ architecture as well as improving WBC as well as liver and adrenal function.

27- HTN improves on low sugar diet [including using natural fats]. BMJ article discusses this.

Sodium to potassium ratio is also important. Anti-inflammatory diet is important [including using natural fats]

28-Hot flashes/menopausal symptoms- many benefit from High dose Flax seed oil liquid [7-14grams/day]. Plus calcium and Vit D3 optimization [HCHA calcium is the most absorbable 40-60% vs Calcium Carbonate 3%]

29-MS patients improve with more cholesterol rich food as well as saturated fats. Low sugar diet is important too. Maximize gut health [glutamine, vitamin C and probiotics are important]

30-Neuropathy- check vitamins.

Benfotiamine version of thiamine is great for Neuropathy. Fat soluble and readily crosses Blood Brain barrier. B vitamins work together. B12 and Folate [preferably methyl-folate]should be taken separately along with a quality B complex. Remember the electrolytes- magnesium and potassium are primarily intracellular where calcium and sodium are mostly extracellular.

Nerves have a high metabolic need. CoQ10 is very important as are healthy fats including omega 3’s, dietary cholesterol and saturated fats. Carnivore type approach beats Plant based in this battle.

Dr Atkins’ book Vita-Nutrient Solution is a great resource. PubMed and the OpenEvidence AI assisted medical research tool is amazingly helpful too.

Please email any questions you have.


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