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Are YOU Straining to Hear Lately?


Hearing loss an issue?

Is your hearing not as good as it once was?

Are you missing what people say?

Are two ears not enough anymore?

Do you need hearing aids?

Has your hearing slowly gotten worse?

Do you have ringing or buzzing in your ears?

Have you been having episodes of dizziness?


If you are nodding along to this one, Listen Up.

Hearing loss is very common. 

I have seen people of all ages with varying degrees of progressive hearing loss.

There are many reasons why people can lose hearing from recurrent infections that result is scarring, congenital hearing loss, meningitis, Ménière’s disease, loud noise exposure, tumors, autoimmune problems, medicine toxicity, head injury and of course, aging –Presbycusis or sensorineural hearing loss.

My discussion here is primarily aimed at the last type mentioned – Age related hearing loss – but can also be applicable to young people as well. 

Now for the quick answers:

Tin and Manganese deficiency, both trace minerals, have been associated with hearing loss.

Where are these two characters found in nature?

Aren’t minerals in the foods we eat? 

They should be, BUT Minerals are not reliably in our foods today.

Here’s why…….

A little background:

We are designed to get our minerals from plants grown in soil and from animals that have eaten vegetation, not rocks.

Our soil is depleted of minerals [2/3 of our essential nutrients]

We use fertilizer to make crops grow [NPK is 3 minerals –nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium – we need around 60]

It has been reported that in just 7 years of farming, with or without NPK, there is significant depletion of mineral content in the soil and plants alike. Early symptoms include frail, unhealthy plants and unhealthy/infertile animals that eat this food. 

BTW – flooding, historically, replenishes minerals. We started using NPK about 100 years ago and levees about the same time [preventing flooding].

Remember… We are not designed to eat rocks. We are supposed to get our minerals from plants and/or animals that have eaten vegetation. Rock like minerals [like calcium carbonate] are about 3% absorbed where minerals from plants are colloidal and 98% absorbed, a big difference!

Take home message: Our farmland’s soil is depleted of minerals. Plants cannot make minerals. You cannot rely on diet alone for your minerals.

Minerals comprise two thirds of our list of essential nutrients.

We can categorize ESSENTIAL nutrients into 4 groups. 1) Minerals 2) Vitamins 3) Amino Acids/Protein 4) Oils/Fats


Many scientists believe there are around 60 minerals necessary for optimal health. On average, for each mineral deficiency there are 10 symptoms.

A Calcium shortage can lead to popping, creaking, crunchy joints, joint pain, low back pain, neck pain, irritability, insomnia, road rage, PMS, twitching muscles and the more serious osteoporosis as well as a few dozen more symptoms. [BTW dark colas containing phosphoric acid rob the body of calcium and acidify our bodies, avoid them]

Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle spasm, allergies, headaches, asthma, migraines, kidney stones/bone spurring and even high blood pressure or seizures; and the list goes on and on. If you are lacking Zinc you can expect a reduced sense of smell, more infections – including acne, hair loss, prostate problems and the seemingly humorous “smelly tennis shoe syndrome” [no joke- there are no odor producing sweat glands on the feet]. Again, there are more symptoms to list.

Chromium deficiency can cause a “sweet tooth” or insulin resistance, weight gain especially fat, acne and eventually diabetes.

Copper deficiency can manifest as “stretch marks”, loss of elastic fibers in the skin and tissues [crow’s feet, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and aneurysms]. Joints can also be affected by loss of elasticity that can make you more prone to injury.

Other trace minerals like Tin and Manganese can result in hearing loss and hair loss when they are in short supply.

And the list goes on and on.

It is worth noticing that animal feeds are supplemented with minerals, including Tin and Manganese.

This supplementation of our domesticated animals began as early as the 1930’s. 

During the 1950’s many health issues were prevented and even reversed using this approach. Tin and Manganese deficiency related hearing loss was one of them.

As I have stated many times, Plant derived colloidal minerals are 98% absorbed.

Plants can take metallic or rock-like minerals and render them into a colloidal form. 

We are not designed to eat dirt and when we do the absorption is minimal [~3%].

We can get Tin and Manganese from liquid plant derived colloidal minerals made from humic shale.

Humic Shale is the “fossilized” remains of the dinosaur days. It is pulverized and then soaked in water where around 25% of its minerals are re-animated as colloidal minerals.

Ionic or electrically created colloidal minerals are metallic, they are small but possess a positive charge where colloidal minerals have a negative charge.

I recommend taking a quality plant derived colloidal mineral product along with a full complement of nutrients.

Many people and animals alike will have improvement of their hearing over a period of a few months if they are short on Tin and Manganese.

To achieve full spectrum nutrition we all need to supplement our diets.

Supplements to consider:

1) Get a good multiple vitamin/mineral product. Versions with “Chelated” minerals are best. I also like those with some plant based vitamins.

2) Take a quality Calcium product. Look for MCHA as the calcium source and one that includes Magnesium, vitamin D and some assorted trace minerals.

3) Take Omega 3 oils. Flax oil is the best to start. Adding Krill or fish oil later [BTW – Krill oil in the container has a distinctive odor – if you place 3-4 desiccant packs in the bottle and refrigerate it, the odor is gone in 12 hours]

4) Find a good Colloidal mineral product for trace minerals. Make sure it’s from Humic shale and NOT ionic minerals. Humic shale is the “fossilized” remains of the dinosaur days. Plant based colloidal minerals are 98% absorbed.

As always, feel free to comment or message questions or concerns.


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